
Selesa betul kerusi baru Ogawa Smart Galaxia ni!


Since dpt birthday gift Massage Chair Master Drive AI from my beloved husband, muka mommy senyum je mcm Aryssa because this massage chair is able to release my body stress, mental stress (as a mum, wife, and actress), boost the immune system (especially during the pandemic). Master Drive AI is like a personal health assistant, comes with advanced artificial intelligence features. Which is able to personalize the massage programme based on my body’s needs.


Kalau boleh, nak je hari-hari Izzue massage dgn kerusi iModa ni.. hehe. Memang best! 


Sejak ada Ogawa Smart Jazz kat rumah, sebelum pergi kerja urut, balik kerja urut, lepas mandi urut, bangun tidur urut. layan woo siap pasang lagu. terlena di buai mimpi.


最近我的肌膚 不怎麼感覺到保養的效果 網購了Ogawa Unique Claire Beauty Massage舒緩肌膚,讓护肤品容易吸收功能改善,還能減少細紋提拉肌膚的作用唷
• 這款美顏家庭儀器 非常適合懶人,每次塗上护肤品時使用它就好了 有時做一些Bonus的保養:敷面膜後 或是塗上頸部护肤品後 使用Ogawa美顏儀器顯得效果加倍哦!


有一种舒服的境界 只可意会,不需言传


Nampak macam bantal peluk kan? ☺️ Ringan betul UltiMate Germagic Air Purifier dari @ogawamalaysia so mudah nak letak kat mana2 saje. Udara yang kita hirup dalam rumah pon bersih! ????


I’m back! Two weeks went by so quickly and what an amazing and fulfilling trip it was. Though there were some things I wished I had with me during that trip. One of it is of course, my beautiful family. And two, my OGAWA OmKnee2! We did so much walking that I wished I had this foot massager every time I got home after a long day. It’s my absolute favourite!


Lepas penat badan ni bekerja dan mengayuh basikal, duduk atas Ogawa massage chair, pasang mode ‘sweet dream’ terus rasa dibuai-buai.. layannn????????


A meaningful afternoon with touching stories from the audience. Thank you @ogawamalaysia for having me!